In April 2024, Quentin Tarantino announced he was dropping his final film The Movie Critic. As of the time of market creation, his final film has not yet been announced.
This market is to collect interesting ideas and speculations on what Tarantino's tenth (and supposedly final) film will include.
Add your own options! I'll NA submissions that are either too simple/obvious or are disingenuous - essentially, I'll curate this market as I see fit for quality control (and we're limited to a max of 100 answers).
Please ask for clarification on options you're unsure of. In the case of ambiguity, I'll check with the person who submitted the option and/or use my best judgment.
The market resolves to the movie itself. I'll resolve certain answers when the film goes into production, but not based on reports or announcements, given the last one was canceled.
This market is to collect interesting ideas and speculations on what Tarantino's tenth (and supposedly final) film will include.
Better to update your submission to something else because I'm not going to leave.this open in perpetuity in the off chance he releases something else before he dies