Hakeem Jeffries, the House Minority Leader, has recently made headlines for comments suggesting opposition to President Trump's agenda, leading to discussions on social media about incitement and political strategy. Jeffries' statement about fighting Trump's agenda "in the streets" has been interpreted by some as a call to violence.
Resolves on reports from at least one of:
• Fox
• Associated Press
• New York Times
• Washington Examiner
• Wall Street Journal
• New York Post
• USA Today
@JeffBerman My plain reading of the title and description seems to indicate that self-immolation would count. Am I reading that right?
@JeffBerman Do you require the event to be in the United States? Or just in "the streets"?
On the subject of self-immolation, I'll leave this here for everybody's future reference.
@JeffBerman There was a self immolation on the 20th of January in that Wikipedia link. It was added recently.
While there is a vigil planned for them, I don't think that it guarantees a they're not alive.
It began during the inauguration ceremony of Trump during a BLM protest on MLK day. We don't have absolute confirmation it was necessarily about Trump, but there appears to be manifesto(s)/letter(s) that have not been released to the public yet (and I haven't seen them yet either).
All that is to say that more information could come to light. I would probably make a case for you that it would count for a YES if the letters explicitly call out Trump and if you count pre-market deaths.
@JeffBerman As of this instant, no. But I'm building this case, as seen in my previous comment.
It's also worth asking: if the group protest isn't necessarily about Trump, but if the person who died does state that they are protesting Trump, does it count?
I will admit I'm starting to get into Ship of Theseus territory.